Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Review - "The Camel’s Gratitude” by imam Afroz Ali


It was an Arabic class I was in when imam Afroz let us in on the secret that much of Arabic is hidden in the camel. Lol ok he didn’t say it in those words but you get the point.
If you don’t then you will get it after you read “The Camel’s Gratitude” article by imam Afroz Ali.

The piece was written on gratitude (shukr and hamd) as one of the highest virtues, however half of it talks about some camel. There is of course a connection to it.

When I read the first third of the article I was amazed at the camel’s … amazing-ness if I may call it that. This got me thinking how little I know about so much and how little I know simply about milk. Cows milk in this case because I ain’t drinking no camel’s milk… because I don’t own one ofcourse. FYI I don’t own a cow either…ANYWHO moving on

The rest of the article talks about the difference between shukr and hamd… tying it in with the camel =)
I knew that thanking Allah couldn’t simply be a tongue service by saying 'alhamdulillah' and not showing it in our deeds. However the article shed more light on the depth of gratitude.
What I took out of it is someone who is grateful is totally, absolutely humbled by the Magnificence of his Creator and sees Him as the one who TRULY knows it all. Like, He just knows EVERYTHING better than you and I; therefore knows what He’s doing.
When one understands this nothing else matters. One is in complete submission, by dealing with what’s in front of him in ways most pleasing to his Creator.

“In hamd one recognises the gifter regardless of when, how and what was given!” – Now THIS is what you call love. May Allah bless us all with it!!

Click me - to read the article

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