Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fiqh & Science of Crescent Sighting Workshop - Melbourne

Last weekend was the Queens Birthday long weekend in Melbourne and alhumdulillah, I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend 2 invaluable workshops presented by Imam Afroz that gave me so much more than any relaxing getaway could have.

The first of the workshops was the one on the fiqh and science of crescent sighting. My memories of the argumentation and division within the Melbourne Muslim community over the exact dates for the beginning of Ramadan and the two Eids span decades. “The (insert ethnic-based Muslim community) are starting today but the board of Imams say it's tomorrow based on calculation, whilst another group are following the Saudis!” So much commotion each year that it has actually become a point for spoken word artists like Zohab Khan to dedicate whole pieces to. Where did I stand on this whole issue? I knew so many of my respected teachers and the shuyukh I have been blessed to learn from, including Imam Afroz Ali and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf were passionate about establishing the lunar month based on crescent sighting. Whilst on the otherhand, I knew our own local board of Imams would issue dates based on information that would be completely different to that of the people thatfollowedcrescent sighting. With hadiths being quoted about 'following the jamaa'ah and not creating division within the community' I often found myself in a state of confusion, not knowing which path to take, whether to do things on a different date to my parents/friends or just follow the masses until I had conviction in what I was doing.

When I heard about the upcoming crescent sighting workshop in Melbourne, I was both excited and nervous at the same time. My nerves stemmed from the fear that the content of the workshop would be way too complicated for my mind to grasp and I could be overloaded with a whole lot of information that I didn't understand. These fears were dispelled within minutes of Imam presenting the workshop. SubhanAllah, I was amazed at how so much seemingly
complicated content could be condensed and presented in such a practical way, with clear descriptions, explanations, diagrams and even animations to ensure that all those who attended would walk out confident in their understanding of the topic. As always, Imam was open to questions and had no qualms repeating things in order for us to understand. We even had a 13 year old boy attend the workshop that day, engage in all aspects of the presentation and leave with so much more understanding and passion than he ever expected alhumdulillah. The scientific as well as fiqh facts were presented and explained in detail by someone who clearly had a sound knowledge base on the issue and it was amazing to see where all the misunderstandings have arisen from in our communities. Bottom line, you can't calculate dates
without sighting the crescent and it's scientifically impossible to calculate when the crescent will be sighted... want to know why? Ask Imam Afroz or attend a future workshop :) .

Alhumdulillah, after attending the workshop, I have full conviction in establishing the lunar month dates by crescent sighting, will be encouraging my family to do the same and will be urging others to attend future workshops inshaAllah. I also have a deep respect for the science
of astronomy, subhanAllah... the miracles of Allah's creations are innumerable. Really looking forward to the time when inshaAllah I'll be able to sight my first crescent!

To know more about this topic or support the efforts already established in our local areas:

May Allah swt preserve Imam Afroz and his teachers, elevate and bless them and their families with all that is khair in this world and reward them all with Jannatul firdaus in the next for all their efforts to pass on such sacred knowledge. Ameen

By Ruzna Kamoor

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