Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mizaan Ecology Projects:

For those of you who don’t know about Mizaan Ecology, it includes environmental- based projects, like its Cooks River regeneration project and awareness workshops and seminars on environmental responsibility and stewardship.

Cooks River regeneration project includes the following specific tasks to improve the Cooks River environ:
- Re-establishment of natural vegetation
- Soil erosion protection
- Regeneration of an environmentally disaster zone

Cooks River Regeneration Project hard work has continued on the banks of the Cook River. Loyally, the Mizaan volunteers have returned month after month to plant trees, weed and restore the natural habitat of a once destroyed riverbank.

So far the volunteers have planted over 4500 plants. These have included Native plants to the Cook’s River Area: Acacia longifolia, Oplismenus, Pandorea pandaorana, Lomandra longifolia, Kinzea ambigua,Hardenbergia violacea .

You can volunteer for Cooks River Regeneration project at http://alghazzali.org/events/cooks_river